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第一届矿区污染防治国际学术研讨会及第四届中 - WORKSHOP
1 st International Symposium and 4 th Sino-Hungarian Workshop on Remediation and Restoration of Polluted Mining Areas ---- State-of-the-art and future trends
1. 重点矿区污染综合防治政策、标准;
2. 矿区污染风险管理措施和污染源监管长效机制建设;
3. 矿区污染场地修复标准现状及发展趋势探讨。
1. 矿区清洁生产工艺与技术;
2. 矿区采选冶废弃物污染控制、治理及修复技术;
3. 矿区废水处理技术;
4. 矿区污染场地治理与修复技术;
5. 矿山废弃物处置与资源化综合利用技术。
1. 矿产资源开发企业生态环境恢复的责任机制;
2. 矿区污染与修复市场商业模式的探讨;
3. 第三方认证对于行业市场有序发展的重要影响;
4. 资源开发补偿机制的探讨。
1. 环境保护部相关领导介绍我国“十三五”期间重金属污染防治的最新政策与措施;
2. 国内外著名专家重点介绍重金属污染治理成功案例和运行管理经验;
3. 有关企业代表介绍重金属污染治理技术、监(检)测技术的应用现状。
时间:2015年5月22日-24日 (22日全天报到)
1. 会务费:人民币1200 元/人,在校学生持有效证件人民币600 元/人(含餐费、会议费、资料费等)。住宿统一安排,费用自理。
2. 被录用入国际SCI期刊会议专辑的论文每篇需交审稿及编辑费人民币2100元。
1. 本次研讨会将征集与主题相关的学术论文,论文写作语言原则上以英文为主,确因时间紧等原因可先行提交中文论文(参照《地球科学》格式),但必须有详细的英文摘要等内容。
2. 将根据论文情况择优选用并安排会议发言,并已与国际SCI源刊《 International  Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》(2013-2014影响因子1.794)商定,会后将符合期刊条件的论文在 IJEST出版一期“矿区污染防治”会议专辑。
3. 本次会议会前将印刷论文集作为会议资料,请拟提交论文人员在2015年4月10日前提交电子版论文全文至邮箱: kqwrfz@126.com,并电话确认。
4. 要求论文字数不超过6000 字,文件格式为word 文档。具体出版要求请参照《International  Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 》( http://www.ijest.org/ )格式进行编辑。
邮箱: jw.zhou@hotmail.com
联系人:杜   尧
电话:+86 13554159081
邮箱: cugduyao@aliyun.com
联系人: 王飞
电话:+86 15120015634
邮箱: wangfei6699@aliyun.com
联系人: 陈辉伦
电话:+86 15210801008
2015 01 15
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1st International Symposium and 4th Sino-Hungarian Workshop on Remediation and Restoration of Polluted Mining Areas ---- State-of-the-art and future trends
Keyword: Metal mining; Combined pollution sources; Multiple extreme environment; Geomicrobiology; Environmental Bio-geochemistry
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
    Due to heavy metal pollution areas of mining and smelting have been posing a considerable threat to the environment and nearby river basins. In order to promote the importance of prevention and controlling of heavy metal pollution, it is crucial either to establish new regulations or to improve existing mechanisms for the remediation of contaminated sites. Furthermore, emphasis should be put on the creation of alert as well as environmental and health risk assessment systems. Moreover, optimization of the relevant industrial structures and promotion of innovative mining pollution control technologies as well as new achievements into this field are indispensable through giving an overview of the state-of-the-art and current trends in the future mining area pollution prevention and control technologies. As a result, the “first edition of International Symposium on Remediation and Restoration of Polluted Mining Areas” is going to be held in Wuhan on May 22-24, 2015. For this occasion, well-known national and international experts and scholars, management sector representatives in related fields of pollution prevention and environmental management will be invited, and then deep discussions on the integrated pollution prevention and control hot spots of mining will be focused from different aspects, such as policy standards, systems theory, technical methods, case studies, industry development trends, monitoring and management, etc... Thus, technical support will be provided for the mining pollution issue faced by our country in the process of industrialization:
1. Symposium organizers
Main organizers:
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan, P.R. China)
University of Science and Technology Beijing (P.R. China)
General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals (Beijing, P.R. China)
E?tv?s Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary)
Sino-Hungarian Joint Laboratory of Environmental Science and Health (Wuhan, P.R. China)
National International Cooperation Base on Environment and Energy (Beijing, P.R. China)
Beijing Key Laboratory of Resource-oriented Treatment of Industrial Pollutants (Beijing, P.R. China)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research—UFZ (Leipzig, Germany)
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resource—BGR (Hannover, Germany)
Yale University (New Haven, USA)
McGill University (Montréal, Canada)
National Research Council (CNR-Pisa, Italy)
2. Main topics
2.1 Mining pollution remediation policies, regulations and standards
2.1.1 Comprehensive control policies, relevant standards for mining pollution.
2.1.2 Pollution risk management measures and long-term pollution monitoring for mining.
2.1.3 Overview on the state-of-the-art of mining site remediation standards and current progresses.
2.2 Procedures on mining pollution mechanisms, prevention and remediation
2.2.1 Cleaner production processes and technologies in mining areas.
2.2.2 Mining procedures and smelting waste pollution control, treatment and remediation in mining areas.
2.2.3 Mining waste water treatment.
2.2.4 Reclamation and remediation technologies in Polluted Mining Areas.
2.2.5 Mining waste disposal and resource utilization.
2.3 Corporate Social Responsibility of mining pollution
2.3.1 Accountability mechanisms of mineral resource development companies on ecological restoration.
2.3.2 Exploration of business models of mining pollution and remediation market.
2.3.3 Major impacts of the Third-party certification for the harmonized development of the industry market.
2.3.4 Discussion on resource compensation mechanism.
3. Invited contributions to the conference
3.1 Relevant leader of Ministry of Environmental Protection will give an overview on Chinese latest policies for heavy metal pollution prevention and measures of the "Twelfth five-year" period.
3.2 Domestic and foreign well-known experts will share the heavy metal remediation success stories and operational management experience.
3.3 Related business representatives will introduce the heavy metal pollution control applications and monitoring technologies.
4. Participants
Relevant governmental departments of environmental protection, mining management departments, environmental protection industry associations, non-ferrous smelting enterprises requiring remediation, experts working at R&D institutes, enterprises dealing with heavy metal pollution control and environmental management.
5. Time and place
Time: May 22-24, 2015
Place: China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
6. Conference fee
6.1 1200RMB/person. Students with valid ID: 600 RMB/person. The registration fee includes meals, conference materials, etc. Accommodation should be arranged at the expense of each participant.
6.2 RMB2100 is asked for per manuscript accepted in IJEST due to Open Access maintenance cost.
6.3 Please contact the Organizing Committee about sponsorship issues.
7. Call for Papers
7.1 The seminar calls for academic papers from the national assembly related to the aforementioned topics. Selected manuscripts will be included in a conference report. Outstanding papers presented during the conference will be recommended for publication in International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
7.2 The Proceedings will be printed before the conference. Authors who plan to submit papers are encouraged to send the electronic version of their contribution to kqwrfz@126.com before April 10th, 2015.
7.3 The papers cannot exceed 6000 words, and the file format should be Microsoft Word documents (according to the format of International  Journal of Environmental Science and Technology , http://www.ijest.org/).
8. Organizing Committee Contact
8.1 China University of Geosciences (Wuhan, P.R. China)
Contact: Zhou Jianwei
Phone: +86-27-67883473/13507196575
Email: jw.zhou@hotmail.com
Contact: Du Yao
Phone: +86-13554159081
Email: <, SPAN class=MsoHyperlink>cugduyao@aliyun.com
8.2 University of Science and Technology Beijing (P.R. China)
Contact: Wang Fei
Phone: +86-15120015634
Email: wangfei6699@aliyun.com
Contact: Chen Huilun
Phone: +86-15210801008
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
 1st International Symposium on Remediation and Restoration of Polluted Mining Areas, Registration Form
First Name/Surname Organization Job Title Contact Phone E-Mail Address